

Supraction's New Side Kick

We here at Peanuts from Heaven have a new best buddy in the Twins Clubhouse. He became our buddy during the July 4th game, but then vanished from view...until last night...

You all know the story--but here are the basics--we needed to win...we always need to win...not because it's a complex or anything, but just because the stinking Tigers don't ever seem to lose. We need to stay close and capitalize on their mistakes--which basically means never making mistakes our selves.

To this end we employ two men who manage to appear unthreatening at first, but then explode in furious blazes of bad-assitude when you least expect it--we call this art: Supraction. Joe Mauer, Justin Morneau, Joe Nathan--all-stars all, but they are not the aforementioned badasses. They've come to be respected, revered, feared. Michael Cuddyer and Delmon Young on the other fear.

Admittedly, Delmon is better at the non-threatening thing than the bad-assitude thing, but he can do it when he needs to, but Cuddy, ohhh Cuddy, with dimples that deep busting a cap in people's asses does not seem likely--and yet, he does it with the glove and he does it with the bat.

Last night he did it with both...twice. Then came our problem--the fine and subtle art of this thing we call Supraction is lost on our pitchers--they just can't manage to deal with it, and in that spirit Jose Mijares and Matt Guerrier lost our lead. But then, our favorite buddy was back.

Little Known Fact: Both Stinky and I are Aquarians born in 1983--with makes us not only Aquarians but Boars in the Chinese zodiac calendar. Even less known fact: Jose Morales was born a scant four days after stinky, making him another Aquarian Boar--or--as we prefer to be called: "AQUA PIGS!!!"

It's good to have our very own Aqua Pig back in the dugout--because nothings more suprising, or distracting as a amphibian swine. Especially when that amphibian swine is capable of late inning-pinch hit heroics.

Welcome home Jose Morales--we missed you.

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