

How do you write about a 12 inning game? Caption Action!

While we were able to catch most of this weekends series in Kansas City, the impending doom that is the push to Finals has rendered those creative sectors of our brains to resemble nothing so much as applesauce...see I can't even come up with a good simile for what our brains look's that bad.

So let's let the pictures do the talking, shall we?

Game 1: Friday
You know what Scotty? Just keep your arm up throughout the season...we'll be high-fiving frequently, this year.
Twins 8-Royals 3
Game 2: Saturday
"You may be winning these games...but believe me, you don't mess, with DeJesus."

Justin: "It's so much fun to stay up late, let's NEVER GO TO BED!!"
Joe: "Or let's win the game and then go to bed..."
Justin: "Either way!"
Twins 9-Royals 7
Game 3: Sunday
Slowey: "I don't know what's wrong skip."
Gardy: "Let's take a looksey here...yup...cuticle's too long"
Joe: "I keep a spare clipper taped underneath my helmet"
Gardy: "'s just Kansas City...what's the worst that could happen?"

Brendan Harris: "AAAAAAAAACK!!!! It's Joakim Soria a man so mean that he mows us down like helpless daisies! AIEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!"

"I can almost taste those delicious daisies! I WILL DESTROY ALL FLOWERS AND BEAUTY IN THE WORLD!!!"
Twins 3-Royals 4

Series in a Nutshell
Kubel: "WOO! Another series win! Let's keep on rockin' in the free world!"
O-Dog: "Agreed...but, the free world's bigger than Kansas City...and let's get the hell out of here."

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