

Reunited and it feels SO GOOD

Have I mentioned lately how excited I am to be back in Minnesota? Picture a small child hearing the first ice cream truck chime of the summer, and then discovering that in addition to ice cream, they also sell lemonade, cookies, puppies, unicorns and laser vision hell with selling they're just giving them away! I'm that excited.

Add to this the fact that Stinky's almost done with her exams and that school is over for me and that we have a beautiful magical summer ahead of us full of sunshine and baseball and (hopefully) laser vision robots.

Unfortunately, some internet issues waylaid our post on the Baltimore series, which is probably a good thing given that our posts after the first two games would have been more or less saying: "The orioles...I mean the--the orioles! We have to--THE ORIOLES?!?!? Maybe we're just--JEEZE the ORIOLES?!?!" but after an offensive explosion Saturday Night and yesterday's mother's day victory we're proud to welcome back a beloved character, Dr. Nicholas Cakeburn.
We will be back with a vengeance throughout the next week as I go to my first game at Target Field, we attempt to bury the dirty dirty White Sox, and then we head off to the den of villainy in our yearly battle with the foul Yankpires

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