

Kinda sorta pretty awesome

After taking three out of four against the Rangers this weekend, hope is springing in the hearts of Twins fans all over the world. Sure, we're still in last place in the American League. Sure we still have the worst run differential in the American League. Sure our best players have a nasty habit of landing on the DL every 3.8 hours or so. But's been pretty fun to watch Twins baseball lately. We know that it's a long road to climb back to contention or a .500 record or really much of anything, but as long as we keep seeing glimpses of the old Twins way back in the ball park. We're going to be happy.

Among our favorite moments from the past 10 days:
  • Ben Revere doing his best Superman impression in Centerfield
  • Scott Baker and Francisco Liriano making the league's best offense look silly
  • Debating whether or not Michael Cuddyer is physically capable of frowning
  • Gardy's press conferences including more uses of the grumbled phrase: "yeah, real good...real good win"
  • Alexi Casilla slipping base hits underneath every conceivable glove.
  • The bullpen not totally stinking.
  • Hearing Luke Hughes' very VERY Australian accent and wishing he'd mention "shrimp" "barbi" "Fosters" or "Melbourne".
  • The words "Joe Mauer's return" being used in the without the words "no timetable for" directly preceding it.
What are your favorite moments that have reminded you how fun it is to be a fan? Post them below, we'd love to hear them!

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