

How Far We've Come in Four Years

(Seemingly Random Sidenote that will be Relevant Later: sorry that we posted neither tweets nor blogs this last weekend, normally taking 3 out of 4 from the White Sox in Chicago would get our trash-talking going full bore...but we had other things to do the last four days)

It's hard to believe but tonight is the fourth All-Star game that we Peanuts from Heaven will be watching/blogging/making fun of since starting this account of the Twins and our love of baseball.

We've seen Justin Morneau slide home safely in old Yankee Stadium, watched Carl Crawford save the day in St. Louis, seen the NL finally win one in Anaheim and now we get to watch Michael Cuddyer play his first all-star game in the arid air of Arizona. So seeing another midsummer classic come around is a sign that we're ready for another great year of bloggery. So, even though the mothership of sports media [*CouESPNgh!*] will poutingly proclaim that it's not a real All-Star Game because it doesn't really have all the best players, we're pretty pumped.

We're pumped because, it feels like this little blog really led to something. See, we started this blog because we were two friends, with a shared passion for the same baseball team and the same brand of nerdery. We've never aimed to be the Kingpins of the Twins blogosphere, just tried to carve out a little niche for our brand of silliness and fandom, and it seems that we've done that. But we've done other things too.

We've delved into baseball lore and history through Ken Burns' documentary and discovered a deep-rooted connection to the Pirates of Pittsburgh and Honus Wagner. We've gone to games in domes and the open air, in Milwaukee, St. Louis and Kansas City, and we're excited to go to more. We've found a whole society of people just as passionate and weird and fanatical as us (and some of them even agree with our whole Yankees = Vampires theory).

Through it all we'vebeen friends, and, as often happens with close friends who share common interests, passions and senses of humor we started to see one another as more than just friends. We had quasi-dates to ballgames and Twins Fest. Our first kiss happened near the end of the Baseball documentary. We've held hands during rallies and shared scotches after losses. So, after a courtship, dating, and an engagement, last weekend we got married in front of our friends and family. (Hence the absence of posts during the weekend...see told you that seemingly random sidenote would make sense eventually)

All in all it was a pretty great weekend. Sure, we were a little bummed that the one loss occurred on the day of our wedding (during our ceremony), but we assume this was because Joe Mauer suddenly realized he might end up being the old spinster of 2001 high school graduates, and Joe Nathan was bummed he couldn't have a slice of cake. And since they went right back to winning the next day, we trust our marriage will not impede the Twins play.

It's been wonderful to share our love of baseball with all of you readers for the last four years; almost as nice as it has been to discover our love for each other. Don't worry, we'll keep the quirky posts and quips coming...marriage might make us seem more adult, but baseball will always keep us young.
Peanuts pre-dating (9/2008) Peanuts 5 Days pre-wedding (7/2011)


  1. mariettamouthpieceJuly 14, 2011 at 5:42 AM

    Congratulations on your wedding and good luck!

  2. Thats great.
    Is that a T shirt ?

  3. Thanks Mariettamouthpiece and Haddock.

    I'm not sure what you think is a t-shirt...but perhaps we could make a blog/marriage the first anniversary the t-shirt anniversary?
