

Quick Thank Yous

We spent most of the weekend writing Thank You notes to people who had given us many wondrous things for our recent wedding. But, we have neglected until now to write Thank You notes to the people who have given us the most wondrous gift of all: TWINS BASEBALL!

So here are a few notes we thought about during the weekend series against the Tigers.

Dear Jim Thome,
Thank you for the 596 Home Runs you have hit in your career thus far. It's true that some of them (like the one you hit for Chicago back in 2008) were not our favorites; but it is very nice to see you hit them out through sheer man muscle. We know you don't have to hit a home run every time up, but it's nice that you try to entertain us that way.
Peanuts from Heaven
Dear Scott Baker,
Thank you for pitching 5 innings of not ugly baseball. We know that when you're not feeling well it can be difficult to go to work, especially when 40,000 people are judging your work, but your commitment was inspiring to see and was a truly unexpected delight this weekend--after Friday we were pretty sure Detroit was going to win them all. We look forward to your feeling better and pitching more in weeks to come.
Peanuts from Heaven

Dear Delmon Young,
You might not know what this is...this is called a "Thank you" note, it's given to people who have done something good by people who appreciate it. We figure that given the general antipathy toward you, you might not have received one of these before. We would like to thank you for wagging your tongue mid at-bat, it allows us to imagine that you are secretly Michael Jordan and will one day shock us by slam dunking a home run over center field. Also, when you lay off sliders low and away, it's like there's a 200 piece orchestra in my heart.
Peanuts from Heaven

Dear Joe Nathan,
We have missed you terribly, and it is so wonderful to see you fist pump and to hear "Stand Up and Shout" and to count the horse flutters before you throw a knockout pitch. So yeah, just thanks for showing up. We're excited to see you more in the weeks, months and maybe years to come (if you're up for it).
Peanuts from Heaven

Dear Bill Smith,
Thank you for doing your job and keeping your cool despite the near ceaseless jabbering of the masses who have asked for umpteen zillion trades. We know the trade deadline is less than a week away so you're awfully busy but we thought we would thank you (before we rejoin the rest of the jabbering masses who demand you make a zillion trades).
Peanuts from Heaven

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